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 Curry yogurt chicken with turmeric quinoa rice 



食材準備時間 /    10 min

烹飪時間 /  20 min

準 備 食 材 / 


















How to avoid dry chicken breast? A lot of people do not know that yogurt is a marinade which can tenderize meat by breaking down its structure. Let me share with you, a Middle Eastern style dish that I always make, curry yogurt chicken with turmeric quinoa rice. It is nutritious and contains high protein!


Ingredients: chicken breast 180g, Greek/sugar-free yogurt 40g, 1 tsp of curry powder and paprika powder, juice of ¼ of lime, minced parsley, 1 clove of garlic (mince it), a pinch of salt & pepper. ½ a red & yellow bell peppers, ½ a zucchini. 1 tsp of turmeric powder, Italian seasoning, ½ a cup of quinoa and rice, and an appropriate amount of mixed nuts.







將白米與紅藜以1:1~2:1比例混合,用冷水沖3次加入淹過米量的水,加入一小匙薑黃粉、義式香料一小匙、橄欖油一小匙、鹽胡椒一小匙混合均勻,入電鍋蒸40分鐘。(外鍋一碗水) 電鍋開關跳起後,拌入適量堅果、腰果、核果碎增加口感與堅果的優質油脂。









Add Greek/sugar-free yogurt , curry powder , paprika powder, garlic mince, lime juice, minced parsley and a pinch of salt & pepper into a bowl. Mix all ingredients well with a spoon. Soak the chicken breast in the marinade and put in a fridge for at least 1-2 hours (if overnight, the effect may be better).


Mix ½ a cup of red quinoa and white rice together in another bowl. Rinse it 3 times until the water turns clean, then add 1 cup of water, season with 1 tsp of turmeric powder, Italian seasoning, olive oil, salt & pepper. Cook in a rice cooker for 40min. When the rice is cooked, add in an appropriate amount of mixed nuts to make the texture nicer. 



Preheat the oven to 180c. Cut the veggies into bite size. Sprinkle a pinch of salt,  pepper, and Italian seasoning on the veggies. Place the veggies and chicken on the baking tray, drizzle some olive/ avocado oil over the top. Heat them in the oven at 180-200C for around 20 min and until the surfaces turn golden.


 Put the sliced curry yogurt chicken and veggies on the turmeric quinoa rice. The dish is done and you can enjoy it now!

營 養 素 



熱量                                         508.8  大卡

蛋白質                                       52.8  公克

脂肪                                            5.7  公克

碳水化合物                                  61  公克

膳食纖維                                   10.4  公克        

鐵                                                8.2  毫克

鈣                                              86.4  毫克

鎂                                              122.3  毫克