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Air-fried Taro cakes with salted egg and meat floss 



食材準備時間 /    25 min

烹飪時間 /  20 min

準 備 食 材 / 







✓ 豆乳100CC








Love moon cake but worried about its high calories and sugar? You can use an air-fryer to make a delicious taro cake. This is an easy recipe of a healthy taro cake with no added sugar and flour. Taro lovers, let’s try this!


Ingredients:  taro 120g, 1 (or ½) salted egg yolk , soy milk (sugar-free) 100cc, meat floss (or vegetarian meat loss) 1 spoon,  2 spoons of honey, oats 10g, and appropriate amount of coconut flakes.




綿密豆乳芋泥作法:芋頭去皮切塊入電鍋蒸20-25分鐘(外鍋一碗水) 在調理機/果汁機加入蒸好的芋頭、倒入濃豆乳100-150cc,兩小匙蜂蜜(依個人喜好調整) 打成芋頭泥備用。.




在碗中,加入兩大匙芋泥,加入燕麥片拌一拌製造酥脆口感,灑點肉鬆(葷/素都可) 加一顆/或半顆的鹹蛋黃,捏成球狀。不好成型是正常,在外面撒點椰子粉或其他妳偏好的粉定型,入氣炸鍋倒點油在表面上,氣炸15分鐘取出完成✅




Firstly, steam the taro for 20-25min. Add the steamed taro, soy milk, 2 spoons of honey into a blender and blend the ingredients into paste.




After that, pour the taro paste into a bowl. Add a spoon of oats into the paste and mix well. Then, sprinkle some vegetarian meat floss onto the paste and put the salted egg yolk in the middle. Roll it into a ball shape (it is not easy to make it into a ball shape, you can sprinkle some coconut flakes on it, this may be useful for shaping). Put the taro ball into an air-fryer and coat it with a little bit of oil. Lastly, air-fry for 15 min at 180c and a yummy taro cake is ready to serve as a perfect comfort snack😍




營 養 素 (1-2人份)



熱量                                       361.9  大卡

蛋白質                                     13.6  公克

脂肪                                        12.6  公克

碳水化合物                              48.7 公克

膳食纖維                                   3.6 公克        

鐵                                              2.5 毫克

鈣                                             59.1 毫克

鎂                                             50.3 毫克