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Poached egg and avocado with tuna yogurt salad.
食材準備時間 / 10 min
烹飪時間 / 5 min
準 備 食 材 /
✓ 水煮罐頭鮪魚2-3小匙
✓ 無糖優格2大匙
✓ 一顆蛋
✓ 適量鹽&黑胡椒
✓ ¼顆洋蔥
製作鮪魚優格醬:在碗中加入兩大匙無糖優格,加入2-3小匙鮪魚、鹽、黑胡椒、洋蔥丁(洋蔥切絲後泡冰水10-15分鐘可去除嗆味)、番茄丁拌勻 。
不用加白醋的水波蛋煮法:小鍋水煮滾後關小火(至不再沸騰), 一顆蛋打入碗中,延碗緣加少許水,用湯匙在鍋中攪一個漩渦,將蛋滑進漩渦中心,稍等2分鐘撈起 。
Preparing tuna yogurt salad: in a bowl, mix 2 large spoons of yogurt, 2-3 small spoons of canned tuna, salt, pepper, sliced onions and minced tomatoes. (Soaking the onions in iced water for 10-15min can help removing the harshness)
For cooking poached egg, bring a small pot of water to a boil, then turn to very low heat until it is not bubbling at all. Crack an egg into a bowl and add some water along the edge of the bowl. Use a spoon to make a swirl water, then pour the egg into the swirl, and cook for around 2 min.
Cut the avocado into half. Remove the seed. Pour the tuna yogurt salad over, and add the poached egg on top. Serve it with a handful of baby leaves. Enjoy!
營 養 素
熱量 331 大卡
蛋白質 18.8 公克
脂肪 14.1 公克
碳水化合物 35.9 公克
膳食纖維 7.6 公克
鐵 1.8 毫克
鈣 63.1 毫克
鎂 49.2 毫克